Look what popped up in the Wall Street Journal yesterday (12/26/2008):
“The Economic News Isn't All Bleak
…there are also reasons to think the economy could rebound quickly.”
Predictions of recessions and depressions are all based on past dips, monetary policy action, and the ensuing recovery. But the events and world government responses in the past few months have had no precedent at all. None.
If economic activity did indeed come to almost a screeching halt in October and early November because of a credit crunch between banks, why is it beyond our wisdom to suggest that that activity could rebound even more quickly?
Further we haven’t seen wars, revolutions, or other disturbances anywhere as a result of this financial "turmoil." Add to that, the scores of companies outside the financial sector with clean, strong balance sheets ready to invest. And a new US administration ready to spend on infrastructure at a rate not seen for decades...
It is heartning to see the WSJ publish such questioning of the gloomy current conventional wisdom. It is a breath of fresh air to see scrutinizing of the unjustified faith in past patterns that do not remotely match any of the events of the past few months.
It is very appropriate to suggest that if indeed the economy turned down quickly in Sept, Oct, and Nov, that we all should be quite open to the possibility of a quick reversal in Dec, Jan, and Feb.
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