When all you read is gloom, turn here for a much different perspective.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Job Openings On The Rise; Up 44% Since July 2009

Businesses and government advertised nearly 3.4 million jobs at the end of October, up about 12 percent from the previous month, the Labor Department said Tuesday in its Job Openings and Labor Turnover survey.

That reverses two months of declines and is the highest total since August 2008, just before the financial crisis intensified.

Overall, the number of advertised jobs has increased by about 1 million, or 44 percent, since the low point of July 2009, a month after the recession ended.

And the new job postings continue at a rapid rate. According to Job Search on CNN Money.com, 151,950 new jobs were added to the site on Wednesday alone.

And there are more positive signs for jobs... according to the Manpower Employment Outlook Survey for Q1 2011:
When seasonal variations are removed from the data, the Outlook is +9%, the most promising hiring expectations reported since Quarter 4 2008... U.S. employers have now expressed
a positive Outlook for five straight quarters.

Source (Manpower.com)

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